S5: E6: Who Am I? | Julie Buchholtz

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UP Notable Book Club: The Crystal Falls Community District Library in partnership with the U.P. Publishers & Authors Association (UPPAA) has scheduled author events with winners of the UP Notable Book List. The 39th event is with author and educator Julie Buchholtz–a proud member of the Bay Mills Tribe of Chippewa Indians, a federally recognized tribe comprised of Ojibwe people.  Youth Services Book Review says: “Who Am I? is an affirmational picture book, promoting pride in one’s heritage and the importance of stewardship for the Earth… Libraries looking to expand offerings by native authors will want to add this book.”

JULE BUCHHOLTZ lives in Brimley, Michigan with her husband, Larry, and canine companions. They are officially “empty nesters.” Buchholtz earned both her Bachelor’s degree in Education and Master’s in Early Childhood Education from Central Michigan University. Julie has been in education in some form or another for much of her career. She currently works at Lake Superior State University. In her free time, she enjoys walking the shores of Lake Superior, making jewelry from items she finds along the beach, reading, writing, eating a really good dessert (creme brulee is her favorite), and practicing yoga.

“Who am I?” wonders one little girl. And with those three words her mama takes her on a journey, discovering the ways she is connected to the plants and animals around her, her present and her past, her ancestors, and the land she lives on–the whole of Mother Earth.  Who Am I is an indigenous perspective on the ways the threads of our lives are woven in Earth’s tapestry, the things that came before–and all that is yet to be. A lyrical look at the interconnectedness of life  and a mother’s tender love. (From the publisher)

An amazing story set within the beauty of the Native American world. The words, the emotions are heart deep, and the illustrations will take your breath with their beauty. I wish this book would have been around when our children were small. I have and will be buying it for others–a great gift for little ones and their parents and grandparents!
— Sue Harrison, national bestselling author of The Midwife’s Touch

“This is a wonderful addition to anyone’s life. The author beautifully draws out the story of identity and belonging. I highly recommend this book as a librarian and as a parent.”
— Wisconsin’s Water Library

“Absolutely love this book!! A perfect addition to everyone’s youth library”
— Julie Ann Weist, outdoor enthusiast and ACA Certified Kayak Instructor

More information about the U.P. Notable Book list, U.P. Book Review, and UPPAA can be found on www.UPNotable.com
About the Upper Peninsula Publishers and Authors Association (UPPAA)

Established in 1998 to support authors and publishers who live in or write about Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, UPPAA is a Michigan nonprofit association with over 100 members, many of whose books are featured on the organization’s website at www.uppaa.org. UPPAA welcomes membership and participation from anyone with a UP connection who is interested in writing.

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